
Home applied ozone generator

Ozone is a strong oxidation while pesticide is an organic compounds. Ozone can destroy the chemical bonds of the organic compounds through its strong oxidizing property to dilute the pesticide toxicity. Meanwhile, ozone can kill all the germs and virus on the vegetable surface. Just because of this function, ozone has been widely applied among families. 

vegetable ozone disinfect 1) Soak the vegetables and fruits into ozonated water that produced by ozone generator. The germs and virus can be effectively killed and the residual pesticide can be effectively degraded by 95%. Meanwhile, ozone will stimulate the plant cell so you can eat the most fresh and nutritious vegetables and fruits.

2) Soak the dorking, frozen fish, frozen shrimp into ozonated water that produced by ozone generator. Ozone can kill the germs carried during slaughter and transportation. It can also degrade the antibiotic and biological hormone. Without fishy smell, you can eat more comfortable.  
ozone generator for 3g/h
3)  After washed the rice with common water the cook the rice with ozone purified water. The meal will be sweet, tasty and nutritious. (Don't use aluminium container). Because ozone will eventually release into water and oxygen, it produces no environmental pollution.  

4) The ozonated water can bleach the dirties and dye on clothes surface. Moreover, it can decompose water impurities. No chemical detergent will left so ozone can help preventing skin disease effectively. 

5) ozone can also be applied into sterilizing tableware, air, fridge, storage room, etc. 

Without doubt, ozone is one of the best disinfect agent that has been applied into so many fields worldwide. Do you keep one home applied ozone generator?


How Ozone is Produced by Ozone Generator

As we all know, ozone is a strong oxidizing agent while how to produce ozone? Traditionally, there are two kinds of generators taken different ways. One way is ultraviolet rays irradiation and the other is corona discharge. 

The ultraviolet rays irradiation is usually applied for satisfying small water outflow needs. The whole process is simple and cost-efficient. Whereas, the ozone concentration will be no more than 0.1%. Only several grams of ozone can be produced per hour so this way can be used in private swimming pool. The corona discharge is usually applied to produce high concentrated ozone which is highly recommended in public swimming pool of a large circled water flow.

Ultraviolet radiation ozone generator

The ozone is generated when the air was irradiated by ultraviolet whose wavelength is under 200nm. When oxygen molecule was collected enough ultraviolet energy, it will split into two oxygen atoms which will combine with other oxygen molecule to produce ozone molecule.  The productivity of ultraviolet radiation ozone generator is mainly determined by the ultraviolet wavelength and energy, the temperature, humidity and space that around ultraviolet light, the oxygen capacity of the air and  the air flow volume that went though  ozone generator. 

Corona discharge ozone generator

corona discharge ozone generatorLet the dry clean air and oxygen went through the discharge gap then oxygen molecules will be ionized into oxygen atoms under high-energy electromagnetic field. The continuous collision of oxygen atoms and oxygen molecules produced ozone. The productivity of corona discharge ozone generator is in a direct proportion to oxygen concentration in air, air dryness and power frequency. It is while in an inverse proportion to discharge gap and medium thickness. 

Ok, you may have kept ideas about which ozone generator you need now. In my next blog, i will introduce why ozone can destruct residual pesticide.


Why Use Ozone Generator for Pool Water Disinfection

Ozone has been applied into swimming pool water disinfection for nearly 80 years dated back to 1930s. In pool disinfection, the advantages of ozone are as follows:

Strong bactericidal ability. 

ozone used for disinfect pool waterOzone and the secondary products have strong bactericidal and deactiviation ability that can kill germ and virus the chlorine can't do. As experiments proved, the sterilization effect of ozone is better for 600-3000 times than that of the same concentrated chlorine.  For example, when both ozone and chlorine respectively reaches 1mg/L, the dung typed Escherichia coli  can be killed within 5 seconds by ozone while 15,000 seconds by  chlorine.  

Strong oxidizing property.

Among all the water treatment agents, ozone is one that of strong oxidizing property. Ozone composes by three oxygen atoms. The weak compound ability of the third oxygen atoms caused the instability of ozone. Just because of the instability, ozone can react with any molecule that can be oxidized like iron, manganese, germ and virus. Once the molecules were oxidized by ozone, the whole molecules will be decomposed. That's why ozone is the enemy of germ and virus, which can keep the high quality of pool water. 

Few secondary pollution.

Ozone is recognized as green sterilizing agent environmental-protected.  Since the half-time is quite short, ozone can bring almost no secondary pollution to environment. Due to the strong oxidizing property, the secondary products from ozone are much less than that from other agents.  The commonly used agent now is trichloromethane and chloroform which are publicly confirmed as cancerogen. When people are swimming, the canserogen dissolved in water will be absorbed by skin that will threaten people's life. 

Reduce harm caused by other sterilizing agents.

Generally, the coagulant, algicide, ph-modifier, sanitizer, etc.  will be added into swimming pool to improve water quality. However, the sanitizer is toxic itself; the coagulant is mainly aluminium salt that is harmful to brain; the algicide is always  referred as copper sulfate that is also harmful to body; 

BNP ozone generatorOzone can reduce these harms through reduce the agents dose on the following aspect. 
1. Ozone has a function of micro-flocculation that can replace most of the coagulant.
2. Ozone is one of the sanitizer that has little side effects.
3. Ozone strong oxidizing property made  it be efficient algicide that can replace most of the copper sulfate. 

High safety.

Ozone, to some extent, is poisonous, but the poisonousness is much slighter than that of hypochlorites in both air and water. 

The hypochlorites can't be field produced. It is dangerous during the transient, storage and usage. Moreover, it must be authorized by certain department when  liquid chlorine was to be used. Some swimming pool may still use chlorine dioxide generator, but chemicals of high risks sometimes need to be the gas source. 

While, ozone, can be field produced.  On this condition, ozone generator is needed on the air. The gas source is air or oxygen so it is more safe.  

Why Use Ozone Generator for Pool Water Disinfection? The above explanation answered this question. So many advantages make ozone the best sterilizing agent for swimming pool water disinfection.   In the next blog, i will introduce how ozone is produced through ozone generator.  


The Best Way for Swimming Pool Water Sterilization

  The main contaminants in swimming pool are released by human including sweat,saliva,scurf,cosmetics and germ etc. For disinfecting pool water, the core task is to eliminate body contaminants. However, out of the less-advanced water treatment facility and technology, coagulant which is mainly aluminium salt in line with algicide which is mainly copper sulfate will be used during the disinfection process. At last, the body contaminants will be successfully removed with chemicals left that will risk people's health.

  Why the chemicals left? Too reasons as i researched: Firstly, body contaminants can be merged by coagulant then big-size merged parts will be filtered but some tiny materials still dissolved in water. As time passed by, aluminium salt continuously dissolved that will be absorbed by body skin. Secondly, despite body contaminants, the sourced water needs to be improved by copper sulfate. After all, the copper ion is virulent to people's kidney eventually threatening the whole body health. 

The best way for swimming pool water sterilization

   The mostly used chemicals recently for swimming pool water disinfection is chlorine. Whereas, chlorine will react with organic matter in water to be trichloromethane and  chloroform which are cancerogenic substance public known . These substances will also be absorbed by body skin then stimulate eyes and skin causing serious pinkeye and roseola. 

  Well, what is the best way for sterilizing swimming pool water? Using ozone technology. Ozone is internationally recognized as environmental green disinfection substance. Secondary pollution will never be generated by ozone. Ozone keeps strong oxidation capacity that can oxidize iron and manganese efficiently and decompose both of the corrosion and tiny substance. The pool water clarity will be greatly improved and the water will be natural blue without copper salt added.

  In another blog Why Use Ozone Generator for Pool Water Disinfection ,the detailed ozone application advantages have been described.